About moores soft tissue
Moores Soft Tissue was established to bring Specialist Soft Tissue services into first opinion practice. Alison is an experienced surgeon, with 22 years as a referral surgeon, and 18 years as a Specialist. She has spent time in first opinion and emergency practice and is excited to combine the two. Peripatetic surgery referrals allow you to have your pet treated in a convenient and familiar environment, while offering access to an experienced surgeon, all at an affordable price. Alison is an expert in the field of Soft Tissue Surgery and has operated on thousands of pets. She has trained nearly 200 vets that hold the BSAVA PgCert Surgery certificate. She has authored 28 research papers and chapters in five veterinary textbooks on reconstructive, thoracic and gastrointestinal surgery, and is co-editor of the BSAVA Manual of Skin and Reconstructive Surgery.